The Maori word for pubic hair is ‘huruhuru’

How do we know this? Thanks to a Canadian brewery that thought it was naming its new beer with the Maori word for “feather”.
According to this article, the brewery were not the first to make this mistake. A leather shop in New Zealand had also used the word, thinking that it meant ‘fur’.

Fur, feather, or pubes, we love the word, and would love to know more about Maori traditions regarding pubic hair. Can anyone out there enlighten us?

Hands off my huruhuru!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Pico
    Sep 18, 2020 @ 15:21:41

    Well, it may not be quite so simple. I don’t have a Maori dictionary here, but an online Maori dictionary ( says that it can be a feather, animal fur, pubic hair, and various other things.

    This is not dissimilar to French and surely other languages. We just have “hair,” and can only add “pubic” if we want to make a distinction. In French hair is “cheveux” (cheveu for just one strand of hair) and pubic hair is “poil”, which is exactly the same term for animal fur. No doubt the length of the human “poil” led to the sharing of the name.

    In French, to “se mettre à poil” is to strip naked – “put yourself in poil [only].”

    Spanish is a bit like French but not as clear-cut.

    The Maori dictionary says that to be precise one can say “puke huruhuru” for public hair, to distinguish it from animal fur.

    Anyone know any examples from other languages?

    The moral of the story: if you don’t have any, people won’t have to worry about what to call it !!!!

    Thanks to all the gals for the great recent posts. Mouth watering !!


  2. Skin Tickler
    Dec 02, 2020 @ 05:42:05

    We have created a culture of bullies who have learned that all they have to do is claim to be victims in order to dictate to others. It’s a scary thing when it starts affecting legal issues. Anyway, do an online search for “beautiful women with fur” just for kicks and giggles. Stupidity is everywhere.

    P.S. the bush on display here is beautiful.


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